is an R package for fitting the mass-balance
dynamics specified by EcoSim as a state-space model. We here demonstrate
how it can be fitted to a real-world data set as a “Model of
Intermediate Complexity” while including 10 functional groups and 1
detritus pool, using data across four trophic levels and representing
both pelagic and demersal energy pathways.
We first load the Survey
, Catch
, and QB
values, and define other biological
# load data
# Reformat inputs
years = 1982:2021 # Catch only goes through 2021, and starting pre-data in 1982 doesn't play well with fit_B0
taxa = c( "Pollock", "Cod", "Arrowtooth", "Copepod", "Other_zoop", "Chloro", "NFS", "Krill", "Benthic_invert", "Benthos", "Detritus" )
# Define types
type_i = sapply( taxa, FUN=switch, "Detritus" = "detritus",
"Chloro" = "auto",
"hetero" )
# Starting values
U_i = EE_i = B_i = array( NA, dim=length(taxa),
B_i[c("Cod", "Arrowtooth", "NFS")] = c(1, 0.5, 0.02)
EE_i[] = 1
U_i[] = 0.2
# Define default vulnerability, except for primary producers
X_ij = array( 2, dim=c(length(taxa),length(taxa)) )
dimnames(X_ij) = list(names(B_i),names(B_i))
X_ij[,'Chloro'] = 91
We then fit the function call. This is very slow:
# Define parameters to estimate
fit_Q = c("Pollock", "Copepod", "Chloro", "Other_zoop", "Krill")
fit_B0 = c("Pollock", "Cod", "Arrowtooth", "NFS")
fit_B = c("Cod", "Arrowtooth", "NFS")
# Define process errors to estimate
# Only estimating Pollock to speed up demonstration
fit_eps = "Pollock"
# Which taxa to include
taxa_to_include = c( "NFS", "Pollock", "Copepod", "Chloro", "Krill" )
# To run full model use:
# taxa_to_include = taxa
# Define priors
log_prior = function(p){
# Prior on process-error log-SD to stabilize model
logp = sum(dnorm( p$logtau_i, mean=log(0.2), sd=1, log=TRUE ), na.rm=TRUE)
# Run model
out = ecostate( taxa = taxa_to_include,
years = years,
catch = eastern_bering_sea$Catch,
biomass = eastern_bering_sea$Survey,
PB = eastern_bering_sea$P_over_B,
QB = eastern_bering_sea$Q_over_B,
DC = eastern_bering_sea$Diet_proportions,
B = B_i,
EE = EE_i,
U = U_i,
type = type_i,
X = X_ij,
fit_B = fit_B,
fit_Q = fit_Q,
fit_eps = fit_eps,
fit_B0 = fit_B0,
log_prior = log_prior,
control = ecostate_control( n_steps = 20, # using 15 by default
start_tau = 0.01,
tmbad.sparse_hessian_compress = 0 ))
# print output
#> Dynamics integrated using ABM with 20 time-steps
#> Run time: Time difference of 3.804031 mins
#> Negative log-likelihood: 111.8524
#> EcoSim parameters:
#> type QB PB B EE U
#> NFS hetero 57.763550 0.09429851 0.01609925 0 0.2
#> Pollock hetero 4.225892 0.82452074 3.26652224 1 0.2
#> Copepod hetero 27.740000 6.00000000 1.85225167 1 0.2
#> Chloro auto NA 99.40685006 0.63388263 1 0.2
#> Krill hetero 15.640000 5.48000000 1.05351582 1 0.2
#> EcoSim diet matrix:
#> Predator
#> Prey NFS Pollock Copepod Chloro Krill
#> NFS 0 0.0000000 0 0 0.0000000
#> Pollock 1 0.1277434 0 0 0.0000000
#> Copepod 0 0.4540243 0 0 0.2941176
#> Chloro 0 0.0000000 1 0 0.7058824
#> Krill 0 0.4182324 0 0 0.0000000
#> EcoSim vulnerability matrix:
#> NFS Pollock Copepod Chloro Krill
#> NFS 2 2 2 91 2
#> Pollock 2 2 2 91 2
#> Copepod 2 2 2 91 2
#> Chloro 2 2 2 91 2
#> Krill 2 2 2 91 2
#> Estimates: sdreport(.) result
#> Estimate Std. Error
#> delta_i -0.9107485 0.07412192
#> delta_i -0.9712690 0.10263244
#> logB_i -4.1289824 0.05667705
#> logtau_i -1.1467111 0.14112593
#> logq_i 0.9289014 0.05572851
#> logq_i 1.0002721 0.06744515
#> logq_i 2.6850118 0.05908211
#> logq_i 2.3987716 0.07547528
#> Maximum gradient component: 0.0001222245
We can then plot the estimated foodweb:
# Plot foodweb at equilibrium
# using pelagic producers as x-axis and trophic level as y-axis
plot_foodweb( out$rep$out_initial$Qe_ij,
xtracer_i = ifelse(taxa_to_include=="Krill",1,0),
B_i = out$rep$out_initial$B_i,
type_i = type_i[taxa_to_include] )
#> Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).
Runtime for this vignette: 3.84 mins